Sunday 28 July 2019

Treatment 4

Amazingly, the treatment is already showing positive results. Platelets continue to climb and are now up to 120-- almost in the normal range, and especially good for a leukemia/lymphoma patient. White blood cell components are all improving. Kidney function still a bit off but it's a side effect of the medication. As the drugs target the cancer cells, they (the cancer cells) essentially explode, putting stress on the kidneys to get rid of them. Staying hydrated remains very important and a prescription was given to help.

The next treatment is in two weeks, on August 8, which becomes Day 1 of Cycle 2 for the obinutuzumab which will repeat, then, once every 28 days for a total of 6 cycles. The most pronounced side effect seems to be fatigue which is remedied s with naps.

As Cycle 2 begins, the second drug, Venetoclax, will be introduced. It's our understanding this is a daily pill which is taken for a year but we will get clarification when we see the oncologist, Dr. S, on 8/8.

Other good news is that Eric doesn't have to continue twice weekly blood work/labs followed by Fast Track appointments. Those will be once weekly now. That may not seem like much, but when you add in the driving time, waiting for the lab results, and the appointment, these things take about 4-5 hours. So getting to do it weekly is a big time-saver.


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